Installing Minikube

Minikube is a local Virtual Machine with Kubernetes that runs locally, and you can use it just like you’d use a remote Kubernetes cluster.

You’ll need to download and install:


Run the following to give your VM enough juice (Magda requires at least 6GB ram to deploy all modules) to run Magda and start it up:

minikube config set memory 6144
minikube config set cpus 2
minikube config set vm-driver virtualbox
minikube start

This reserves 6 GB of RAM for Minikube and starts it up. If you’re low on RAM and only intend to run the databases on Minikube, you can likely get away with a smaller number, like 2048.

More detailed instructions for setting up Minikube can be found here if that doesn’t work.

To set up the environment variables necessary for Docker to interact with the Minikube VM, run:

eval $(minikube docker-env)

You’ll need to run this in each new shell.

Minikube on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

A few notes for setting up Minikube in a WSL environment:

/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Kubernetes/Minikube/minikube.exe $@
eval $(minikube docker-env --shell=bash)
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=$(wslpath -u "${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}")