Installing Docker Kubernetes

In the latest Edge release for MacOS, Docker have included a local kubernetes cluster that works a bit like Minikube - although in our experience it runs a bit better.

Download and install:

Make sure you get the EDGE client - as of the time of writing Kubernetes isnā€™t in the stable client.


Start up Docker for Mac. Find the icon in the top-right hand corner of the screen and open ā€œPreferencesā€. Then navigate to ā€œAdvancedā€ and set the resources so your cluster has at least 2 processors and 6gb of RAM.

Advanced Tab Screenshot

Then enable Kubernetes

Kubernetes Tab Screenshot

Once itā€™s enabled you can switch your kubectl context via the docker menu, or run

kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop

Last thing to do is create the standard storageclass used by Magda:

kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes/docker-client-standard-storage.yaml