How to create Local Users
Please note: local authentication feature has been moved out as an Authentication Plugin to repo magda-auth-internal. You need to deploy the plugin to turn on this feature.
Magda now support creating local authenticated users (instead of SSO). You can use the set-user-password
script to create users / set password for users. Please note: users will need to use their email address as username to login.
Before start to use the `set-user-password script, you need to:
- Clone magda-auth-internal repo
- Run
yarn install
to install all dependencies - Port forward the Magda database to local:
kubectl port-forward combined-db-postgresql-0 5432:5432
- If you didn’t install magda to the default namespace, you can use:
kubectl port-forward -n [namespace] combined-db-postgresql-0 5432:5432
Prior to Magda v1.0.0, you should port-forward pod combined-db-0
After the installation is done, run yarn set-user-password
will list help information as below:
Usage: set-user-password [options]
A tool for setting magda users' password. Version: 0.0.57-0
By Default, a random password will be auto generate if -p or --password option does not present.
The database connection to auth DB is required, the following environment variables will be used to create a connection:
POSTGRES_HOST: database host; If not available in env var, 'localhost' will be used.
POSTGRES_DB: database name; If not available in env var, 'auth' will be used.
POSTGRES_USER: database username; If not available in env var, 'postgres' will be used.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: database password; If not available in env var, '' will be used.
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --user [User ID or email] Specify the user id or email of the user whose password will be reset. If -c switch not present, this switch must be used.
-c, --create [user email] Create the user record before set the password rather than set password for an existing user. If -u switch not present, this switch must be used.
-p, --password [password string] Optional. Specify the password that reset the user account to.
-n, --displayName [user display name] Optional, valid when -c is specified. If not present, default display will be same as the email address. Use double quote if the name contains space.
-a, --isAdmin Optional, valid when -c is specified. If present, the user will be created as admin user.
-h, --help output usage information
✨ Done in 0.58s.
Example Usage:
To create a user (with auto generated password):
yarn set-user-password -c -n "Joe Bloggs"
To set the password for a user:
yarn set-user-password -u -p "my new password"